I've Moved!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

strawberry coconut cake.

This cake is really more for me to play with piping frosting than to eat, but of course I ate it in the end. I tried my hand at ruffle frosting again and I just couldn't get it! I mean, you can't call this a ruffle can't you? I piped away in frustration for about 3/4 of the cake until I finally realized that my tip was supposed to be vertical to the cake. (Is this correct?) So I rotated it horizontally and I got this.

Much better? I think so. At least it looks 3D now.

I used the same strawberry cake as my neapolitan cake's. I had an extra layer left over after slicing it into half- ah, the wonders of a freezer. For the coconut cake, I used Rose Levy Beranbaum's recipe found from The Cake Bible. I thought that it wasn't sweet enough although certainly very coconutty (this word looks cute!). I sandwiched both the layers together with coconut pastry cream and used some to top the cake as well. I should have strained the coconut out- way too much texture in a cake.

That strawberry cake is really growing on me. Nom nom nom.

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