I've Moved!

Monday, May 29, 2017

i've moved!

Hello world! It's been, wow, half a year since I've updated this blog. But I have been baking! In fact, I was setting up a new home for a few posts I've written but have yet to publish until recently, as well as for all future ones to come.

I'm really excited to have a platform with a layout that more accurately represents what I want my blog to look like, and it is a space that I truly, genuinely am enthusiastic about nurturing and filling up with ideas and inspiration. Although, nothing will ever replace Crumbs and Cookies - this space houses all my struggles, triumph and growth in terms of baking, and perhaps even personally, over the last 7 years. I can still remember the day this blog crossed the 1 million views mark and what I made to celebrate. Insane.

When I first started blogging I would occasionally chance upon blogs which owners have maintained for years and years. I don't believe I can condense the admiration I felt for their perseverance at that time in words. But having blogged for what I think is a considerable duration as well, I've learnt that blogging consistently is not a chore if you enjoy it. All those years just whizz by in a blink of an eye.

I believe I've mentioned this in a post before, but I've noticed that some blogs that I've been following almost since the inception of this blog have just slowly ceased to be updated. I'm pretty sure that this is not just a conjecture - there has been a growing tendency towards replacing carefully written blogposts with instantaneous social media updates, which appeal I can completely understand, but also saddens me a little. I feel that there is also an allure, a satisfaction, in constructing a comprehensive article. It's time consuming, definitely. But the amount of effort a person spends on each blogpost makes it that much more personal, and so much more valuable.

I love writing, I love words. Blogging has fuelled my fondness for both. This platform, this space, in particular. For that I'll forever be grateful to Blogger. I won't stop blogging anytime again soon - my hiatus made me absolutely miserable to be honest - but I will be taking it to a new and improved space. I don't know if I can make it as memorable as this one, though it will be special in its own way.

With that, I would like to extend an invitation to you to join me on the (slightly more) grown up version of Crumbs and Cookies, C&C.

See you there Xx

Saturday, September 24, 2016

classic carrot cake with dreamy creamy white chocolate frosting.

It's funny how I would almost always pick carrot cake over chocolate yet have only made the former about a grand total of two times thus far.