When your room's a natural refrigerator-sometimes-freezer, it's somewhat of a shame to not make truffles. And croissants. And prepare batches of pie dough. I would have checked off the latter two except that my oven is imaginary.
{cocoa-coated} chocolate chestnut rum truffles; {powdered sugar-coated} dark chocolate honey truffles
{tiramisu truffles} white chocolate, cream cheese and rum
I didn't think I would be blogging about these so you have to excuse the limited pictures (and picture quality - they looked fine on instagram though...). I essentially tweaked Alton Brown's recipe to accommodate the flavours I wanted to achieve and as usual, I did stray very very far from the original. But I think it's pretty difficult to go wrong with truffles as long as you stick to a rough ratio of one part cream to two parts chocolate unless you're particular about the texture. My favorite of the bunch was hands down the tiramisu truffles because they are reminiscent of a white chocolate cream cheese frosting from one of Rose Levy Beranbaum's cake books I made yonks ago that I adore and remember to this day.
Most of last week was spent researching about cafes here, finding my way to them and getting lost in the process, and having long conversations over brunch or afternoon tea. Sarabeth's was one of the places I visited and clearly, as I hope this picture demonstrates, their eggs benedict is heaven on earth. Personally, I think that their twin cobalt blue front doors are equally instagram worthy.
Post brunch a friend and I wandered around the Daikanyama area where Sarabeth's is located and we concluded that it was nothing short of remarkably endearing. There are unique shops at every turn, not just along the main streets but also the back alleys, and the buildings are lovely to look at. It is an area that possesses a laid back tranquil atmosphere, not unlike a sleepy yet charming little town.
I consider camden's blue star donuts to be the find of the day. Can we all take a moment to appreciate the frosting of the donut sitting at the top left hand corner? It looks like the most perfect shade of gold-dusted pink in person and I was so devastated that I had only noticed it after I paid for my purchase.

And that's it for now! I have something planned for the next post already so I should update the blog again within the next ten days. Fingers crossed (for better lighting and less disgustingly grainy pictures) X
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